Lakeside News
Week of January 29
Lakeside NT:24New Testament In A Year Reading Plan Dear Lakeside Family, In a recent podcast interview Andrew Huberman, a famous podcaster and neurosceintist at Stanford School of Medicine, opened up about his faith in God. Two things stood out to me, he noted that he reads the Bible because it tells the "Story of Us and of Everything." He goes on to note, “I always wanted to have a deeper relationship to God, and I was like why don’t I have that?” In Bible reading and prayer he has felt closer to God and developed a greater understanding of himself and the world around him. That sounds like a good trade off to me. Each morning he dedicates time to reading and praying and he has received a greater sense of who God is and who he is. The Apostle Paul takes this thought even further in Ephesians 4, noting that becuase our dedication to the apostles teachings, the prophets, and the law we are able to grow in to the fullness of the body of Christ. For Paul, not only do we grow individually, but our collective reading and prayer builds our community so that it more closely reflects Jesus and his love. So far this year, we have read. We have read about 525 chapters collectively. That's a journey in scripture that will give life to our community in the years to come. If you haven't been reading or fell behind, there is always grace! Today we start our second book of the New Testament Reading Plan, 1 John. 1 John is located at almost the end of the Bible, a few books before Revelation. There are only 5 chapters and 105 verses in the book of 1 John. Please join in reading with us. If you want to have online discussion you can join our private church Facebook group here. Grace and Peace, David For more infomation visit:
Sunday Morning Group
Welcome Team Ministry
For more infomation visit: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F054EA8AE22A57-47415485-welcome
Serve, Eat, PlaySaturday, February 10, 2024 For more infomation visit: http://thelakesideumc.org/events/serve-eat-play--200/2024-02-10
Souper Bowl SundayMake your best soup, cornbread, and/or dessert - Sunday, February 11, 2024 For more infomation visit: http://thelakesideumc.org/events/souper-bowl-sunday/2024-02-11
Pancake DinnerTuesday, February 13, 2024 For more infomation visit:
Ash Wednesday
Egg Donations
Kindle Kids Play
If your child would like to participate in the play please contact Sara at sara@thelakesideumc.org
Other Lakeside News
Stewardship: Rooted, Giving, Growing in 2024
For more infomation visit: https://lakesidefamily.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/27/responses/new
Nursery Worker Needed